Blow Your Mind July 4th with CODE MONKEY!

That’s one ANGRY monkey!

CODE MONKEY, the sequel to ROCKET SURGEON, is due to be released on July 4th, 2020.

Follow irascible raconteur, voyeur and mental saboteur A.E. Williams down a whole slew of rabbit holes, conspiracy theories, discussions about the fallacies and truth of the challenges of our times!

You’ll discover why Williams is one of the most sought-after essayists on the planet. (Sought after by aliens, Sasquatch, sea serpents and hackers, that is…)

Once more, A.E. takes you by the hand and shoves facts, figures and statistics up your…nose, until you are spitting mad at finding out you have been duped all this time by Big Brother, the Deep State, the Man, the Establishment and even your lying parents! (Oh, for the sake of Santa! How could you!)

Rocket Surgeon was just the first stage! Code Monkey ramps it up with a second stage to orbit!

Williams regales you with personal tales from the aerospace trenches. He shows why firmly held ‘scientific’ facts are just as suspect as ‘truths’ that have been debunked, time and again.

You’ll be cramming your tinfoil hat past your ears as you are exposed to the grim secrets of how the world REALLY works!

And, as always, you’ll chuckle and chortle your way through page after page of outrageous stories, anecdotes and observations by the man Cleopatra said was “So funny I laughed my asp off!”

So, get your Amazon bucks ready to spend!


And, boy is he pissed!

Anno Domini Is Now Published!

The Final Story in the Unholy Trinity series, now available on AMAZON!

Jesus Is Coming, and Boy Is He Pissed! Anno Domini by A.E. Williams out on Amazon now!

Jesus is reeling from His loss to His half-brother, Lucifer. He gambled and lost a billion souls! What can He do? Why, best two-out-of-three, right?

He bets that a Second Coming, one where there is another ‘virgin’ birth, can save Humanity from Original Sin. Lucifer takes THAT bet! 

But, Jesus has an ace up His sleeve – He gets Einstein, Hawking, Gandhi and the Buddha to meld into one super-human soul that can’t lose!

Filled with religious references, popular concerns of the day, and a cast of totally fictional characters, this satire puts a spin on current events that will have you spitting coffee all over yourself in shock, from laughing or pure unadulterated rage. You’ll be aghast at the content, the implications and the mirror held up to our world.

Come along as A.E. Williams once more pulls no punches as he slams the One Percent, Religion and Political parties of all stripes!

This final installment in The Unholy Trinity series of short stories will blow your mind as only A.E. Williams can! Be sure to get Imperius Wrecks and Second Coming to complete your collection!

New Spec Fic Showcase Article!

Light Summer Reading About TEOTWAKI*

Musings from the North 40 by A.E. Williams
Musings from the North 40 on Speculative Fiction Showcase

A.E. Flips Off AI! Terminators Dispatched! Roko Pissed!

Thanks to the Speculative Fiction Showcase blog, A.E. takes you to the unmentionable future!

Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron! Really! A.E. argues that fearing the coming of a truly self-aware computer is just a science fiction wet dream – with fallacy on top.

Once more, A.E. thumbs his nose at convention. He presents the hard, cold logical facts so you don’t have to! Learn why an IoT toaster only threatens the color of your toast!

By contrasting the popular image of AI’s, A.E. undeerscores the real issues.

Certain human attributes can never be baked into artificial constructs, no matter how complex. Flattery may get you anywhere, but mimicry won’t give you sentience, HAL.

If you really are concerned that your refrigerator is going to one day starve you to death, then you should really read THIS!

Using exquisitely constructed arguments, A.E. takes you down the primrose path! Using decision trees, algorithms and configuration tables, he illustrates the huge gap in know-how. These programmatic structures are as likely to create new electronic life as bricks and mortar will give birth to concrete golems.

Once more, A.E. Williams tweaks your synapses again as only HE can!

Join the author of “Rocket Surgeon” and the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he endeavors to help you understand just what the hell is really going on!

*TEOTWAKI – “The End Of The World As We Know It!”

‘Second Coming’ Now On Amazon!

What Will Jesus Do?

After being crucified for Mankind’s sins, Jesus Christ and his half-brother, Lucifer, pass the time playing cards in Hades.

They realize that the Plan of God is another scheme intended to push Judgement Day thousands of years into the future!

After a heated exchange, Jesus gambles a billion souls with Lucifer.

He repeats a version of the wager that Lucifer and God made regarding Job.

Jesus thinks Mankind will prove His argument. Lucifer agrees, and the next day, Jesus rises.

But, as the years go by, Jesus realizes that Lucifer may have stacked the deck in his favor!

Using His knowledge of The List, (composed by His Father), to guide His readers to the Truth, Jesus watches as the End Times commence.

As His wager with Lucifer draws to a close, Signs of the Apocalypse portend that the Time of Revelations is at hand!

What will He do to save the human race from itself?

This is the second of series of speculative short satires that began with Imperius Wrecks by acclaimed science fiction author and raconteur A.E. Williams.Come aboard as Williams puts his redoubtable wit to complex problems of philosophy, morality and ethical conundrums.

Reminiscent of speculative fiction in the vein of Vonnegut and Dick, Second Coming will fire your imagination!

Buy Your Copy Today!

‘Imperius Wrecks’ Now on Amazon!

What would happen if a sitting US President declared he was the Emperor of Earth…and then made it happen?

A Satirical Peek at the Future

What does our future hold? 

If the recent turmoil in the United States is any indication, the outlook is possibly grim.

This short-story by acclaimed science fiction author and raconteur A.E. Williams explores one possible outcome.

Williams puts his redoubtable wit to the task of describing just what we’re up against, from a potential oligarchy, to the devastation of Earth from global warming, surgical nuclear strikes and the sheer ego of one man.

This modern parable of political will drags you kicking and screaming into your worst nightmare – or, perhaps, your ultimate fantasy.

You will be stunned, then shocked, then awestruck at how possible this scenario seems.

A classic speculative fiction tale in the best tradition of “A Canticle For Leibowitz” and “The Man in the High Castle”.

Buy Your Copy Today!

Speculative Fiction Showcase article from the ‘Redoubtable’ A.E. Williams

Redoubtable is a cool word…

Musings from the North 40 by A.E. Williams
Musings from the North 40 on Speculative Fiction Showcase

A.E. Predicts the Future While Plowing the North Forty!

Another rant, I mean article, from A.E. for the Speculative Fiction Showcase blog!

In this one, A.E. uses his formidable powers of prognostication to predict seventeen probable events for 2019!

Given his track record of being almost always 100% correct about many things, A.E. tells it like it’s going to be.

Find out who is going to die in 2019 (everyone that dies does so in absurd ways), how the Spanish Flu will make a come-back, and other pithy observations about Space, Technology, Politics and, of course, all the Fake News you can swallow!

You think you’re worried about Global Climate Change now, just wait until you read THIS!

Add in the current political antics of the US Government, the recent withdrawal from the Paris Accord, and the tendency for our current crop of billionaire entrepreneurs to emulate your typical Bond villain and you’ve got one heck of a read on your hands!

A.E. Williams delivers again as only HE can, with laser incisiveness, personal experience and materials drawn from the bowels of Top-Secret aerospace programs. You’ll be sure to enjoy the pithy observations, political humor and poignant conclusions.

Join the author of the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he endeavors to help you understand just what the hell is really going on!

Watch out for the radioactive nuclear-fueled cockroaches, though!

Speculative Fiction Showcase Article!

Another cool Speculative Fiction Showcase article!

Musings from the North 40 by A.E. Williams

Musings from the North 40 on Speculative Fiction Showcase

A.E. Does IT Again! Fresh from the North Forty!

Another rant, I mean article, from A.E. for the Speculative Fiction Showcase blog!

In this one, A.E. takes you into the REAL reasons behind Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW)!

Learn about how the dangers of tobacco farming, celestial mechanics, nuclear testing and plain old reproduction have caused us to cause the Earth to slow, and thereby begin to fall into the Sun!

You think you’re worried about Global Climate Change now, just wait until you read THIS!

Add in the current political antics of the US Government, the recent withdrawal from the Paris Accord, and the tendency for our current crop of billionaire entrepreneurs to emulate your typical Bond villain and you’ve got one heck of a read on your hands!

Tear into the latest and greatest FAKE NEWS, comedic tropes and fun times are assured to be had by all!

A.E. Williams delivers again as only HE can, with laser incisiveness, personal experience and materials drawn from the bowels of Top-Secret aerospace programs. You’ll be sure to enjoy the pithy observations, political humor and poignant conclusions.

Join the author of the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he endeavors to help you understand just what the hell is really going on!

Watch out for the radioactive nuclear-fueled cockroaches, though!

NOW ON AMAZON! “ROCKET SURGEON”! The Latest from A.E. Williams!

ROCKET SURGEON – by A.E. Williams

Rocket Surgeon” is a fun romp through the various aspects of the Space Race, Cold War, AGW and Fake News!

Science-fiction author A.E. Williams takes you on an exciting tour of the history and direction of space flight.

Using the scientific method, William’s dissects today’s hot topics, uncovering some uncomfortable truths.

His personal insights collected over decades of real-world experience illustrate the journey of a lifetime!

From its beginnings as war technology, space exploration has been an enticement to many.

And “Rocket Surgeon” examines the entire spectrum of this saga.

Travel through the history of the various programs, from the V-2  to the present mothballing of the NASA fleet, to the private rocketry business, and beyond!

Get ready to BLAST OFF into the past, present and future of Space Flight!

Rocket Surgeon” shows that Williams has been-there and done-that.

He shares details (unclassified!) of many of the most secret programs since the early 1980’s.

Williams provides some interesting perspectives, melding personal observations from his actual participation in high-tech projects.

He takes a look at one of the most popular science-fiction films of the day, and connects the dots. He shows how Hollywood and television gave us previews of radical technology far in advance of its realization. Be prepared for an unexpected conclusion!

Williams writes about quantum mechanics and the physics behind Faster Than Light travel, and also the General Theory of Relativity. Was Einstein wrong? Well, maybe he didn’t have all the data!

With his typical laser insight and cynical pragmatism, Williams recounts several apocryphal tales from the heyday of manned space flight.

Learn why Williams feels space flight is the single most important thing that humanity can collectively pursue.

From Peenemunde to Mars, from James Bond to Matt Damon, you will find the connections that make your imagination soar to new heights.

Rocket Surgeon” discusses the seminal effect of the original “Star Trek” series on both science and science fiction.

Since the advances that we take for granted were merely dreams in the late 1950’s and ’60’s, he follows how they’ve now become an ubiquitous reality for the next generation.

The effects of science on assuring accurate and realistic depictions of the human condition in science fiction is another artifact of these times. They lead directly to the concerns regarding nuclear war, and the birth of the technological marvels that help us better understand our vast Universe.

In “Rocket Surgeon” the adventures continue, and A.E. Williams is your guide to the stars and beyond in this exciting and accessible book!

Join A.E. Williams as he recollects the advances, successes and tragedies of the Greatest Human Adventure!



At the completion of somewhere between 12 and 18 Chapters, (depending on the logical story break) readers will be given the opportunity to purchase an Omnibus edition. This edition will NOT be made available for purchase until all relevant Chapters are finished.

We hope you have enjoyed these Chapters, and are waiting eagerly to read the next installment.

After the completion of Volume One, five more books will be written almost simultaneously, to keep tabs on all the major characters and action! The stories will follow the adventures of each group that has been defined in the first story, and then Volume Seven will reunite any survivors! Check out the NEWS page for more information!