I will be running a THREE DAY PROMOTION for the first two Chapters of the Terminal Reset series (Episode 1) on Amazon from 07/29 thru 07/31.
You will be able to purchase for FREE at
Terminal Reset: The Coming of The Wave – Chapters 1 and 2 (Terminal Reset Series)
for the duration of the promotion. 🙂
(This will run starting midnite, 07/29 and ending at 11:59pm on 07/31.)
Currently, SIX Episodes have been published, with the next Episode approximately 70% complete.
If you want to read hard science fiction with a contemporary setting, that is packed with adventure and excitement, this is it!
The Coming of The Wave is the first Volume of the story of a mysterious force from the early Universe traveling the trackless void of interstellar space, and millions of years later coming into our Solar System.
It’s arcane physics warp our own Reality, and its effects are unlike any before in ANY science fiction novel or short story you have EVER read!
The science is real, and recent news reports have validated many of the scenes that were depicted in the series months BEFORE the reporting occurred! 😮
You can also visit the website for more information about the series.
A.E. Williams