Redoubtable is a cool word…

A.E. Predicts the Future While Plowing the North Forty!
Another rant, I mean article, from A.E. for the Speculative Fiction Showcase blog!
In this one, A.E. uses his formidable powers of prognostication to predict seventeen probable events for 2019!
Given his track record of being almost always 100% correct about many things, A.E. tells it like it’s going to be.
Find out who is going to die in 2019 (everyone that dies does so in absurd ways), how the Spanish Flu will make a come-back, and other pithy observations about Space, Technology, Politics and, of course, all the Fake News you can swallow!
You think you’re worried about Global Climate Change now, just wait until you read THIS!
Add in the current political antics of the US Government, the recent withdrawal from the Paris Accord, and the tendency for our current crop of billionaire entrepreneurs to emulate your typical Bond villain and you’ve got one heck of a read on your hands!
A.E. Williams delivers again as only HE can, with laser incisiveness, personal experience and materials drawn from the bowels of Top-Secret aerospace programs. You’ll be sure to enjoy the pithy observations, political humor and poignant conclusions.
Join the author of the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he endeavors to help you understand just what the hell is really going on!
Watch out for the radioactive nuclear-fueled cockroaches, though!