Light Summer Reading About TEOTWAKI*

A.E. Flips Off AI! Terminators Dispatched! Roko Pissed!
Thanks to the Speculative Fiction Showcase blog, A.E. takes you to the unmentionable future!
Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron! Really! A.E. argues that fearing the coming of a truly self-aware computer is just a science fiction wet dream – with fallacy on top.
Once more, A.E. thumbs his nose at convention. He presents the hard, cold logical facts so you don’t have to! Learn why an IoT toaster only threatens the color of your toast!
By contrasting the popular image of AI’s, A.E. undeerscores the real issues.
Certain human attributes can never be baked into artificial constructs, no matter how complex. Flattery may get you anywhere, but mimicry won’t give you sentience, HAL.
If you really are concerned that your refrigerator is going to one day starve you to death, then you should really read THIS!
Using exquisitely constructed arguments, A.E. takes you down the primrose path! Using decision trees, algorithms and configuration tables, he illustrates the huge gap in know-how. These programmatic structures are as likely to create new electronic life as bricks and mortar will give birth to concrete golems.
Once more, A.E. Williams tweaks your synapses again as only HE can!
Join the author of “Rocket Surgeon” and the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he endeavors to help you understand just what the hell is really going on!
*TEOTWAKI – “The End Of The World As We Know It!”