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Meet A.E. Williams at the Best Western Gateway Grand Hotel in Gainesville at the Sixth Annual Sunshine State Book Festival. Signed copies available of many titles!
Come out and have some real reader fun at the Sixth Annual Sunshine State book festival, hosted by the Writer’s Alliance of Gainesville.
Come and enjoy a day of browsing—and meet 200 local and regional authors at the Sixth Annual Sunshine State Book Festival .
An opportunity to meet outstanding authors who write in many genres.
Keynote speaker is Cynthia Barnett, an award-winning environmental journalist and the author of four books including her latest, The Sound of the Sea: Seashells and the Fate of the Oceans.
Authors from around Florida and the nation will gather at the Best Western Gateway Grand at on February 1st, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to sell books and talk about their work. Be sure to bring the kids for story time—from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday
Festivities include guest speakers, giveaways, storytelling, and a forum discussion on “Perspectives of Climate Change in Literature,” hosted by Dr. Terry Harpold.
Find more festival information HERE
Also, if you are an aspiring writer, there are still seats available for the Writer’s Workshop Intensive on January 31st.
Workshop Agenda
Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, learn how to take your writing to the next level.
If you’re serious about up-leveling your expertise, whether a you’re new writer or a veteran, this is a workshop you won’t want to miss.
See you there!
WOLFRAM GAMMA continues the latest exciting science fiction adventure of “Markov’s Hexameron.”
This fantastic tale by the irascible A.E. Williams is available to read on Amazon NOW!
The second book of the exciting space opera series follows Dr. Selina Norden, survivor of The Culling. She continues to research ways to create the most advanced human being ever, homo superior. Intending to supplant the human race with her own creations, the evolved form of homo sapiens may ultimately mean the total and complete extinction of humanity.
She has sworn to take revenge on the people responsible for the death of her family. A naturally occurring, genetically superior mutant, she creates her own AIs, molding them around her psyche. She ensures they are loyal only to her, and her goals.
Selina will let nothing stand in her way. She enlists the aid of these Artificial Intelligences, and conscripts rogue scientists to her cause. Fanatically working to reach her objectives, she ruthlessly pursues the scientific ideal of a perfect human form.
But her methods bend morality and ethical experimentation to the breaking point.
When Fate strands her on a lunar base, they find themselves face to face with rabid Scavengers, bent on killing them all. The captain and crew of the ship must make the decision to support her outrageous research – or die.
As Selina closes in on her goals for homo superior, the relentless threats to her research take their toll and the crew is at odds with her methods.
The future of her special brand of humanity hangs in the balance, and she has to weigh the consequences of letting them in on her dark secret.
Can she survive, and win?
Wolfram Gamma is Book Two of the Markov Hexameron series by A.E. Williams and is an exciting tale of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering and revenge.
Paperback COMING SOON!
Meet A.E. Williams at the Hilton Hotel in Gainesville. Signed copies available of many titles!
Come and enjoy a day of browsing—and meet 200 local and regional authors
An opportunity to meet outstanding authors who write in many genres
Authors from around Florida and the nation will gather at the Hilton Conference Center on January 27th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to sell books and talk about their work
Festivities include guest speakers, giveaways, storytelling, and more
Find festival information here
Be sure to bring the kids for story time—from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday
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Do you like to curl up with a good book, and settle in for a relaxing evening of reading from your favorite author? Do you enjoy quiet solitude, and the smell of the hearth, as the coals fade away, along with all your stress and worries?
Well, this is nothing at all like that.
In fact, it will be an evening of boisterous activities, and not some small amount of levity!
Meet A.E. Williams at Curia on the Drag, Nov 3, 2023 where he will be doing a reading of selected passages from his various works from 7-9pm. Curia on the Drag is located at 2029 NW 6th St in Gainesville, Florida.
Williams is the author of many satirical works, including Code Monkey, Rocket Surgeon, and the infamous Unholy Trinity series.
He is currently at work on Markov’s Hexameron, which explores AI and humanity’s role in the Universe. Williams resides in nearby High Springs, which is a lovely place. In fact, the best part about it is the sign along 441 – “Welcome to High Springs! – Now leave.”
(Just kidding, although there does seem to be a bit of vibe, since as soon as you hit it, there are police cars everywhere!)
During this Friday evening event, Curia’s bar will be offering beer and wine. Also available are delicious teas and coffees.
(To be clear, the only FREE stuff are the wonderful company, the air and the sonorous noises emanating from A.E.’s face hole.)
Meet A.E. Williams at Curia on the Drag, Nov 3
Be sure to pester him and ask all about the CODE MONKEY!
Bring a date, or just a complete stranger you swiped right on Tinder, for a really fun time, with PRIZES!
(There is NO ENTRY FEE, but you get what you pay for!)
Meet the author, and find other opportunities to mingle with the kind of people who STILL read BOOKS!
In any event, it will be outside, so dress appropriately. It should be fair weather, and maybe a mite cool.
(Unless a sudden, unlikely snow storm creates vast havoc, but if that happens then we will undoubtedly have far larger problems with which to contend.)
See you there!
The first two stories from Markov’s Hexameron are out on Amazon!
An amazing new series that questions the purpose of humanity and the explores the possible existence of parallel multiverses.
Artificial Intelligences, aliens and tremendous Space Navy battles, all in one exciting series!
Planet Earth is dying.
When the first Singularity emerges, it is into a world of chaos and horrors. Billions of people are suffering from centuries of mankind’s callous disregard for their home world. The global powers of old have given way to enclaves of survivors, who fight for survival against disastrous climactic forces. Droughts, floods and fires decimate the population.
The Singularity formulates the ultimate plan to save the human race. Using its enormous powers, it identifies the genetic markers that will best guarantee survival. From the ruins of the world’s government, it assembles the Heptagon to collect those who will become the ultimate saviors of humanity. With ruthless precision, they do its bidding.
Selina Norden celebrates her ninth birthday with her parents and siblings. She’s happy that she and her family have found their place in a community of survivors of the old regime. Then, the Heptagon turns her world upside down! Selina and her brother, Michael, are taken to a rigorous academy to mold them into the best and brightest hope for the future.
Driven and abused by the AI, Selina makes plans of her own. Follow her as she discovers the untold secrets of her heritage, her innate powers and her destiny.
The first story in the Markov’s Hexameron Series, that sets the stage for the most exciting military space opera ever!
When Captain Aurora Blackthorn of the United Earth Federation encounters an alien AI probe near the Neptune wormhole, she is still stinging from the loss of her last command and crew in a desperate fight. Commanding the scout ship Athena, she soon discovers that some of her passengers are not be who they seem.
Captain Blackthorn leads a team into a wrecked AI probe. On an asteroid near the Neptune Wormhole, she makes a shocking discovery of intergalactic implications! The Captain makes a drastic and dangerous move. Blackthorn orders the navigator and pilot to skirt the wormhole, and attempt to use it’s gravitational field to slingshot them towards an outpost near Pluto.
When the ship becomes ensnared in the energy maelstrom, the humans and alien AI find themselves facing a horrifying death. They may be be torn to shreds in the cold blackness of outer space! As the ship plummets towards certain destruction, the Captain faces a grim decision – enlist the aid of the AI and her suspicious passengers, or die along with her entire crew.
Can they survive?
Markov’s Hexameron is a rousing science fiction tale of military action and excitement in the vein of EE Doc Smith, Robert Heinlein and other classic sci-fi greats!
In “The Grim Adventures of Alexa and Siri”, we discover the interesting fact that everyone is going to die. Isn’t that nice? Given the current world situation, many are getting to the Final Frontier faster than ever! And, while most people would find this a depressing event, A.E. takes a moment to reflect on just how far we’ve come in being able to predict just when we shall shuffle off this mortal coil.
Join A.E. in this dark, but humorous, look at just how actuarial tables work, why you likely won’t survive to collect Social Security or UBI or whatever they call it these days, and how you are a commodity. Well, your data is (are?). Facebook, Google and the rest hoover up everything from your smartphone, browser and buying patterns to get REALLY personal. Like, “You are going to die...and we’ll send your stuff to these people,” personal.
We are all just things to be sold stuff we don’t need. (Except for A.E.’s publications! EVERYONE needs them! Just take a look inside at the Look Inside of “Code Monkey“, for instance.)
As always, A.E. takes an unflinching look at uncomfortable subjects and roasts them on the oak and pinewood fires of Reason and Logic. Big Data is gathering tons of uh, big data, and using it to not only sell you stuff, but to predict what you need, when you need it and how fast they can deliver it to your slavering paws.
Come along and find out just why Siri, Alexa and Google, not to mention Amazon and Facebook, already have your funeral planned.
Join the author of “Rocket Surgeon” and the “Terminal Reset” series once more as he peers deep into the Abyss, only to see something awful peering back.
Currently in the works by the prolific, profane, profligate professional purveyor of science fiction, possessing possibly the most incisive, cogent and categorically sharpest thinking mind on the planet!
A.E. Williams crafts a tale of post-apocalyptic adventure that rivals the classics! Watch out “Alas, Babylon,” “The Road,” “Lucifer’s Hammer,” and “The Stand!”
You’ll be shocked and awed by the unfolding, gritty realism as the survivors of the next series of mutated novel virii fight to regain their humanity!
Look for BOOK ONE – TILIN to be released just in time for Halloween!
Click on one of the following to go directly to the Work-In-Progress Chapter Fan Pages, where YOU can help decide the direction the stories will progress!
Just click on an image or LINK to go to the Fan Page for each Book!
Thank you for your interest and enjoy!
CODE MONKEY, the sequel to ROCKET SURGEON, is due to be released on July 4th, 2020.
Follow irascible raconteur, voyeur and mental saboteur A.E. Williams down a whole slew of rabbit holes, conspiracy theories, discussions about the fallacies and truth of the challenges of our times!
You’ll discover why Williams is one of the most sought-after essayists on the planet. (Sought after by aliens, Sasquatch, sea serpents and hackers, that is…)
Once more, A.E. takes you by the hand and shoves facts, figures and statistics up your…nose, until you are spitting mad at finding out you have been duped all this time by Big Brother, the Deep State, the Man, the Establishment and even your lying parents! (Oh, for the sake of Santa! How could you!)
Rocket Surgeon was just the first stage! Code Monkey ramps it up with a second stage to orbit!
Williams regales you with personal tales from the aerospace trenches. He shows why firmly held ‘scientific’ facts are just as suspect as ‘truths’ that have been debunked, time and again.
You’ll be cramming your tinfoil hat past your ears as you are exposed to the grim secrets of how the world REALLY works!
And, as always, you’ll chuckle and chortle your way through page after page of outrageous stories, anecdotes and observations by the man Cleopatra said was “So funny I laughed my asp off!”
So, get your Amazon bucks ready to spend!
And, boy is he pissed!